Visitor Information


The Army Museum Puckapunyal boasts the following facilities and features: 

However, we have no food outlet or shop within the museum.

COVID-19 Visitor Information

Visit the VIC Government website for the latest travel advice for visitors from all states and territories.

Conditions of Entry to the Puckapunyal Military Area

Access to the Puckapunyal Military Area Base is dependent on the following restrictions.

Photographic I.D
Photo I.D in English is required to gain access to the Puckapunyal Military Area Base. Acceptable forms of photo I.D include:

Please note: The Puckapunyal Military Area Base does not accept Digital forms of identification; including NSW or ACT Digital Licences. 

Visitor Passes

Upon admission to the Puckapunyal Military Area Base, visitors will be given a visitor pass. This pass is valid for only one day and must be displayed in a prominent position (above the waist) at all times. Visitor passes are to be returned to the front gate on exiting the base.

Bush Fire Danger

The Puckapunyal Military Area Base is located in a high Bush-Fire Danger Area. During extreme or Code Red Fire Danger Rating (FDR) days, only essential personnel will be allowed base access. As such, the general public will not be able to gain access to the Museum

Base Security Alert Level

The Puckapunyal Military Area Base is subject to military security alert level restrictions. As such, visitor vehicles may be searched by security before entry. Furthermore, during days in which the security alert level has been raised, only essential personnel will be given base access. As such, the general public will not be able to gain access to the Museum

No Deviations

Upon access to the Puckapunyal Military Area Base, visitors must move directly from the front gate to the Army Museum Puckapunyal. No deviations are permitted. If visitors have not arrived within 5 minutes, Base Security will be notified.  

Opening Hours

Temporarily Closed

Cost of Admission

The Army Museum Puckapunyal no longer charges entry fees. 

Admission is free to all personnel, as of the 19th July 2022. 

Getting Here


Visitor parking is available in the Visitor Carpark, located opposite the Museum's entrance

Access to the parking area is from Tobruk Road.  

Visitors by coach or with caravans and trailers are welcome. However, parking spots are limited, so call ahead to arrange parking. 

Alternative Transport

Due to the Puckapunyal Military Area Base access requirements and geographic location, the museum is inaccessible to public transport, pedestrians, push bike riders or taxis. 

Please Note: Photo I.D is required to gain access to the Puckapunyal Military Area Base. Furthermore, groups that contain personnel under 18 years of age must be accompanied by one adult supervisor per 20 visitors. 

Please contact us to receive help in arranging your visit or to satisfy any questions you may have about access.

Call: +61 (04) 3720 6482